Reflections on English Language Course,Monday, March 4, 2013.
Mathematicsis not asciencemonotonous. Many things canbe foundinmathematics. Many thingsalsowe can learnby studyingmathematics. For example,thinkaboutcreativity. Mathcan also formthe personality, theindependentand honest. Mathis something thatcan be foundanywhere. Mathematicscan be said tohavebecome part ofanyone's life. Mtematikaareideasfor peoplewhothink.
Speaking ofmath, can not be separatedfrom the role ofa teacher who isteaching it.Maybe a lot ofstudents whodo not likemath. Butnot a fewstudents wholoveandmake a diligent effortto learn it.Here, the roleof a teacherof mathematicsis required.Howa teacher canbe a friend tostudents.That is,act as asource ofanswers to every questionstudents.Teachersalsomust beable to provideorprovidinglearningfacilitiesfor the students. Asa website or blog, it also provides worksheets(Student Worksheet) made bythe teacher.
However,likewhether or not thestudents'math, one factorwasthemath teacher. Namely, the way teachersdeliverlessons, creating a pleasant atmospherein the classroomduring the lesson, andcan not be separatedfrom all thatis thatthe methods usedby the teacherin the learning.